Vicidial Partner Program – Registered Partners List
The Vicidial Partner Program was created to ensure a better and more consistent user experience for the VICIdial community as a whole. If a consultant poorly implements a VICIdial system their mistakes affect the consultant community as a whole. Their customer may report in blogs, forums, news letters, and the like that VICIdial is not capable of performing the tasks that it can do quite easily just because it did not work for them. By providing a certification program to ensure that those people looking to sell VICIdial services, the Vicidial Group hopes to decrease the number of improper installations and dissatisfied users. The Vicidial Partner Program is broken down into two groups, Resellers and Partners.
Vicidial Resellers are companies that resell the Vicidial Group’s hardware and services. They have training in system planning and basic operation of VICIdial. Resellers are able to take customer requirements and turn them into an acceptable Vicidial solution. They can assist customers with the basic configuration of their VICIdial system as well. Resellers also have access to the Vicidial Group’s highly trained Sales Engineers to assist with difficult customer questions.
Vicidial Partners are companies that are certified in the technical aspects of VICIdial. They provide their own VICIdial services to their customers. They are trained on proper installation and configuration, as well as providing technical support. Partners also provide first level technical support to their customer. Vicidial Partners can even able to provide customization services to their customers and get these services certified by the Vicidial Group. The Vicidial Group does not guarantee services provided by these partner companies, and we have no formal business relationships with these companies.
There are other benefits to the Vicidial Partner Program depending on if you become a Reseller or a Partner.
Registered Resellers:
- Access to the Vicidial Partner Download Center.
- Limited use of the Vicidial trademark (with approval).
- 10% commission on the initial sale.
- Listing on the Vicidial Groups website.
- Access to priority support from the Vicidial Group.
Registered Partners:
- All Reseller benefits.
- Use of the Vicidial trademark (with approval).
- Subcontract the Vicidial Group.
- Discounts on training.
- Referrals from the Vicidial Group for customers that request a local consultant.
For more information on becoming a Reseller or a Partner please contact us.
Vicidial Partners
Below is a list of Vicidial Partners located around the world, broken down by their geographical regions.
Vicidial Partners are companies that are certified in the technical aspects of VICIdial.
They provide their own VICIdial services to their customers.
They are trained on proper installation and configuration, as well as providing technical support.
Partners also provide first level technical support to their customer.
Vicidial Partners can even provide customization services to their customers and get these services certified by the Vicidial Group.
Logicalis (Formerly Clarotech Consulting)
Logicalis is an international multi-skilled solution provider providing digital enablement services to help customers harness digital technology and innovative services to deliver powerful business outcomes.
Our customers span industries and geographical regions; and our focus is to engage in the dynamics of our customers’ vertical markets; including financial services, TMT (telecommunications, media and technology), education, healthcare, retail, government, manufacturing and professional services, and apply the skills of our 5,700 employees in modernising key digital pillars; data centre and cloud services, security and network infrastructure, workspace communications and collaboration, data and information strategies, and IT operation modernisation.
Logicalis offers IT infrastructure support/consulting and telephony services to the mid-market, corporates and dedicated call centres throughout Southern Africa. It is a leading provider of Asterisk PBX products, support and training. We support PBX and Call Centre solutions based on Asterisk open source offering a variety of functions including power dialling with ViciDial.
Our dCAP and Asterisk certified team currently supports 150+ VoIP PBX.s. Clarotech also offers cloud-based services, including hosted call centre/PBX solutions, server hosting, BDR and voice termination.
Contact Person: Colin Fair
Email: Colin.Fair (at)
Contact Number: +2721 689 5330
Teleforge is an innovative company specializing in call center products. We work with in- and outbound contact centers, SME’s and corporates to deliver truly integrated telephony and technology-enabled communication solutions. We provide solutions to hundreds of call centres and corporates from 5 to 1000 seats. We understand the Call Centre industry and become a trusted technology advisor to our clients.
Contact Person: Stefan Verster
Contact Number: +27100350909
Email: info (at)
OPENOTE (Tunisia, Nabeul) is specialised in opensource solutions integration and development.
We provided the first home shoring professional solution in Tunisia based on VICIdial system hosting.
We also offer various services such as Asterisk deployement and configuration.
We provide also wholesale VOIP termination and DIDs.
web :,
email : taieb.felfel (at)
phone : + 216 72 287970
Next I.X., inc.
Next I.X., inc. focus on technology solutions for Start-up and Rapidly Growing Call Centers.
The company has done extensive testing, troubleshooting and installation of astGUIclient / VICIdial systems for real world production environment.
Its integrated technology package is complemented by a dedicated technical support team that provides expert business process support services to boost the client’s competitive advantage in the highly dynamic call center industry.
Next I.X. also operates an offshore call center and medical transcription company in the Philippines.
Contact: Bobby Suson
Email: bobby (at)
Phone: (703)2865017, (+63-32)2551330
IPCom Solutions Ltd (Region: Mauritius)
Adress: 26 avenue ollier, Quatre bornes,Mauritius
Phone: +230 5742 3473
Krishna Tele Soft
Krishna Tele Soft provides consulting services for configuration of Call Center Voice Processing System for Inbound/Outbound Calls using Asterisk PBX and Vicidial Predictive Dialer System.
Krishna Tele Soft (the “Company”) is an Indian based Information Technology company has experience with in depth knowledge of VoIP technologies, Asterisk Installation, Asterisk Configuration, Vicidial for the consolidation project including implementation, customization, interface with VoIP, software engineering, operational gap analysis and solution architecture.
We have a highly qualify engineer’s team for the development and support.
We have set up multiple VICIdial call centers all around the Globe with huge number of seats.
We are the world’s pioneer and leading supplier of VoIP solutions.
Contact: Mr. Rahul Shah
Email: krishnatelesoft (at)
Diyanat Ali
Diyanat is a VOIP Consultant located in Hyderabad – India, has about 6 years of experience in the VOIP industry and is working with asterisk/SER since 4 years.
Has installed 6 working ASTGUICLIENT/VICIdial installations, installed ABOUT 50 PBX for production environment including call centers, call shops, ITSP’s.
Services offered are:
* Installation/maintenance/configuration of linux/asterisk servers
* Inbound/outbound/predictive dialing solution for call centers based on astguiclient/vicidial.
* Onsite and remote assistance provided.
Email: diyanat (at)
Phone:+91 98850 39230
Ecosmob Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
We have extensive experience in Astguiclient/Vicidial and Asterisk.
We have been successfully installing, configuring and customizing Vicidial for more then 7 years.
We have deep knowledge of vicidial code which helps us to easily customize and enhance it.
We can customize Vicidial according to requirements and also develop addon modules for it.
We have developed many applications based on asterisk such as 911enable, 911 notification system, Phone verification system, Click to call, Jukebox, Audio blog, Poll System and many more.
We offer various services such as Asterisk customization, installation, configuration, Dialplan programming, IVR designing, AGI scripting, Vicidial and Trixbox integration, Vicidial and FreePBX integration, SBC Configuration, Customized SIP phone, Opensource consulting and many more.
Phone: +1-303-997-3139, +91-79-4005-4019, +91-997-987-3290 ,+91-997-987-3289
Next2Call is an ISP and ITSP based in New Delhi, India specializing in contact centre solution with the ability to offer one stop solution for your contact centre requirement.
Product Line: Vicidial Installation, Internet Leased Lines, VoIP routes, International DID, IVRS with call distribution system, Voice Broadcasting.
web :
email : sales (at)
phone : +91-9650-866-007
There are currently no Registered Partners in this region. For more information on becoming a Reseller or a Partner please contact us.
Antheus Telecom (Region: United Kingdom[UK])
Antheus Telecom have been involved with Asterisk development since 2005.
Their Founder and CEO, Nik Middleton, recently wrote a book on Asterisk (Asterisk, ‘The professional’s guide’, and forwarded by Mark Spencer) featuring a chapter on ViciDial.
Located near Exeter, Antheus cover the entire UK and near Europe and have completed many successful installations.
Phone: +44 (0)1626 832 423
Uniplay (Region: Italy)
Uniplay is located in Milano, Italy.
They focus on the design, build and test of enterprise class systems for business-to-business, business-to-consumer and application-to-application services.
Uniplay staff has a great expertise on telco, CTI and CRM systems.
Dan Gustafsson (Region: Sweden and Norway)
Located in Arvika, Sweden. 5+ years experience managing vicidial system, deep knowledge with the php/perl-code and vicibox.
Services offered: Vicidial installation, configuration, customization, add-ons, CRM implementation, support, upgrading, network-related, pentesting etc. Remote and onsite assistance.
Contact: Dan Gustafsson
Nickname on the vicidial forum: DomeDan
Email: domedan (at) (prefered)
Phone: +46 (0)70-38 96 779
STJ Telecom (Region: France)
Adress: 16, rue du Chateau Caeen- Demouville, France
Phone: 09 70 71 83 00
XperIT (Region: France)
XperIT (OPENOTE France) is an IT company based in Paris and specialized in Service Oriented Architecture.
We provide consulting services in IT, IPBX and Call Center deployments based on VICIdial integration and hosting.
We offer VICIdial development and integration with other open source solutions (ECM & CRM).
We provide also wholesale VOIP termination and DIDs for Europe.
web :
email : contact (at)
phone : + 33 1 83 62 14 76
InServ Ltd. (Region: Russia and CIS)
InServ Ltd. is group of professionals with 10+ years of experience in telephony and VoIP systems and applications for end-user, call-center and carriers segments. We design, supply and maintain various systems for inbound/outbound callcenters, IVRs (including ASR/TTS), softswitching, network recording. Our service package includes SaaS and support up to 24×7 for business critical systems. InServ is located in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our current experience in Vicidial is a pack of installations with 200+ seats integrated with specific customer databases.
Инженеры Инсерв обладают более чем десятилетним опытом проектирования, инсталляции и поддержки различных голосовых систем в традиционной телефонии и VoIP. Спектр решений, которые мы предлагаем, включает:
– системы для конечных пользователей (УПАТС, IVR с технологиями ASR/TTS)
– колл-центров (входящие и исходящие, дополнительные приложения для оптимизации работы операторов, приложения для управления архивами записей, интеграция с внешними приложениями)
– операторов связи (softswitch, IVR, системы сетевой записи и различные специальные приложения)
Возможно предоставление наших решений в аренду (по модели SaaS) и поддержка вплоть до 24х7 для бизнес-критичных приложений.
Tel: +7 812 327-5747
North America:
Vicidial Group
We are the company that maintains the VICIdial project, and we have been selected by companies to work on some of the largest and most challenging VICIdial call center projects around the world.
We offer VICIdial certified hosting services and extended support times up to 24*7.
Phone : +1-863-393-9330 or +1-800-894-8424
Email : info (at)
Core Telecom Innovations Inc.
With offices in Toronto, Vancouver, and Los Angeles, Core Telecom Innovations exists to provide open source telecommunications solutions to the North American marketplace.
We will bring decades of experience in Enterprise and Small Business telecom to your telecom project, and can provide anything from consulting to full turn-key solutions.
Our team includes Jim Van Meggelen, the principal author of O’Reilly’s Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, but Jim is only one of the many talented people on our team.
You will find we are small enough to give you the personal care and attention your business requires, yet large enough that you can be confident you’ll get support when you need it.
Our work with the Vicidial project includes sponsoring the development of an enhancement to Vicidial that is specific to the way Canadian carriers handle caller ID, and we have also provided our expertise in the design of the menu system.
Vicidial brings the power of large enterprise call centres to smaller businesses, and we can help you benefit from this remarkable and cost-effective technology.
Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
+1-877-CORETEL (Canada)
+1-866-644-7729 (USA)
+1-416-425-6111 (International)
Digital Canada Communications
Based in Toronto, Digital Canada Communications is a Premiere Canadian Technology Partner with EFLO.NET/ViciDial, providing consulting services in IT, IP-PBX & Call Center needs to organizations world wide.
Founder Reza – Mosaddeque Reza, geared with extensive technical and managerial skills ensures that each project is delivered professionally and on time.
Reza is also a technical expert & public speaker on Asterisk technologies, has participated as speaker in high profile technology seminars and ensures the high quality and standard of projects to clients.
Contact: Mosaddeque Reza
Direct: +1-647-476-2067
Office: +1-416-848-3348 x2016
Toll Free: +1-800-510-0376
Enlaza Comunicaciones
Somos una empresa con base de operaciones en México, D.F. especializada en ofrecer servicios de calidad en consultoría, implementación, capacitación, soporte, venta de equipo y desarrollo de soluciones de voz sobre IP basadas en Asterisk. Tenemos más de 10 años de experiencia integrando proyectos de telecomunicaciones utilizando tecnologías abiertas. Contamos con una amplia experiencia en la instalación de call centers a cualquier escala, la distribución de servidores en clusters, desarrollos personalizados, la integración de VICIdial con sistemas CRM, entre muchos otros servicios. Ofrecemos soluciones a la medida, que satisfacen todas las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
We are a company based in Mexico City specialized in high quality services such as: consultancy, implementation, training, technical support, equipment sale, and the development of Asterisk based VOIP solutions. We have more than 10 years of experience in telecommunications project integration using open source technologies. We have plenty of experience in call center setup of any size, server clusters distribution, customized developments, CRM systems with VICIdial integration, among many other services. We offer customized solutions to satisfy the needs of our clients.
Phone: +52 (55) 50 181 181
Email: ventas (at) enlaza (dot) mx
South America:
Company headquartered in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) and Miami (USA) with more than 25 years of experience in the field of installation, configuration, customizing, or integrating VICIdial with other systems. We also offer our solution in Cloud with precision and speed.
Empresa com sede em Belo Horizonte (Brasil) e Miami(USA) com mais de 25 anos de experiência pronta para instalar, configurar, treinar, customizar ou integrar o VICIdial com outros sistemas. Oferecemos também nossa solução em Cloud com agilidade e rapidez.
USA Number: +1 800-5532077
Brazil: +55 31-3003-1112
Integradial, Call Center Solutions
At Integradial, we are expert at consulting, deployment and supporting using Multichannel Solutions for the Call Center Industry. We offer VoIP solutions, Inbound Call Centers, Predictive Dialers for Collections and Telemarketing, and IVR designs. We also offer BPO solutions and AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Advanced IVR Call Centers Solutions. We have a presence in USA, Canada, Chile, and Brazil offering All in One Contact Center based Solutions.
Portugal 1184
Santiago de Chile, RM, 7500000
Contact Name: Luis Utrera
Tel: +1 (954) 825 6735
Legal Disclaimer for VICIdial Partners:
The VICIdial Group maintains this page as a service to its Partners, who have been certified based on their technical ability in VICIdial and continued contribution on the VICIdial forums. The information presented on the Site is for informative purposes only and offers no guarantee on services provided by our Partners beyond the scope of VICIdial.
If you have experienced any problems or issues with any Partners listed herein, please contact us.